What is DreamBirth®?

DreamBirth® is a tool to create  conditions for a positive birth experience, transforming any type of birth into the best, most satisfying experience it can be, even bringing out the best in the nurses, doctors and midwives. DreamBirth® imagery mitigates whatever happens, so that the body, the brain and the baby may experience the event differently.

DreamBirth® is also a tool to address the inner fears, worries, beliefs, and ancestral patterns that get in the way of the natural flow of events. It is the language of our inner knowing self, of our subconscious and of our higher self that wants us to be happy!

DreamBirth® can turn babies, stop premature labor, minimize the effects of medication, create deeper intimacy between the mother and her partner, improve relationship with your mother, diminish fear, help you remain relaxed and open during labor, and, and, and… It is a powerful way to communicate with the subconscious, it is quick, fun, and able to change beliefs.

About me and how I met DreamBirth®

Hi, my name is Nicole and I am a midwife for over 30 years now. I have been working in different hospitals in Luxembourg. And since 4 years I work only independently and accompany young parents before and after the birth of their child.

That was also about the time when DreamBirth® came into my life. I was invited to a big event and I didn’t feel like going there at all. And as I was standing alone in that crowd, I was looking around and noticed a woman standing on my left who seemed to be also alone and a little bit lost just like me. Her name was Claudia and as soon as she knew that I was a midwife, she told me about the birth of her daughter and how she prepared for it, with DreamBirth®. I had never heard about it in the 30 years I was working. So I asked her to tell me more about it. She explained to me that it is a technique consisting of short, guided meditations where people use visualisation to improve the experience of the birth of a child. And when she told me that this technique helped her to release the placenta that didn’t want to come out, I felt so excited and I knew that I had to learn this. Today I’m convinced that the universe wanted me to learn DreamBirth® and help people with this easy technique to improve their whole life in fact. And I am so grateful for it, because so far I have had such satisfying and positive results with this work, it is just stunning.

Here you can read Claudia’s story told by herself:

Birth in Harmony with Nature

“When I had the dream that I will be pregnant, I knew I wanted to make a homebirth where I feel safe and familiar with the surroundings.

I met Catherine Shainberg in Germany. She taught me Imagination of the Kabbalah. When I got pregnant, she recommended me to work with the Doula Claudia.

If I did not have the wonderful support of my doula Claudia, I would not have experienced this powerful Dream Birth exercises and in the end this wonderful home birth of our daughter. The work gave me so much confidence and self-trust in my own body and strength. Via Skype Claudia taught me the Dream Birth Exercises and was engaged in the Birth Process from NYC to Munich in Germany. All the exercises helped me a lot to dive into the birth process in an easy way and to overcome the pain during the contractions.

I had a natural birth around 24hours with a very well experienced midwife. Sara Joy was born at home, everything was fine but there was a challenge at the end waiting for me, the placenta did not come out. My midwife told me we have to go the hospital. This was the last thing what I wanted to go in a hospital and to be separated from my child. So I asked how much time do we have.

We only have 20 minutes time left. Otherwise if the placenta do not come, we have to go immediately to the hospital. My first thought was no, that is impossible. We reached almost the goal to have a wonderful home birth, the baby is fine and now I should separate from my baby. I called Claudia, told her the facts. She said be patient, I never had this before, but I know there is one exercise. Let me check, I call you back in 5 minutes. Exactly 5 minutes later she called, went with me through the exercise. My midwife meanwhile was sitting in the living room and waiting. I called her that I am ready to try it again. Immediately the placenta went out easily.

I will never forget the words of my midwife: that really convinced me.

So with Dream Birth we get our natural power back and we develop such a strong bonding to our child, which is amazing. Thank you so much Claudia!”

Claudia with Sara Joy from Germany

baby lying on fabric cloth

„Well et meng éischt Schwangerschaft war, war ech e bëssen ängschtlech well ech net wousst wat op mech duerkommen géif.

D’Meditatiounen mam Nicole hu mir gehollef nach méi positiv ze sinn an ech krut mech duerch déi Meditatiounen berouegt. Virun allem huet mir perséinlech déi Meditatioun mat den Liichtzelter gefall, ech hu se ëfters am Dag visualiséiert an ech denken, dass déi Widderhuelung immens dozou bäigedroen huet, dass ech tatsächlech eng schéin Gebuert hat, déi esou natierlech verlaf ass wei ech mir et gewënscht hunn an dass mäin Bëbee esou gutt matgeschafft huet wei ech et erhofft hat.

D’Hiewan am Sall war super kooperativ an si ass op all meng Wënsch agaangen.

Fir mech hëllefen déi Visualisatiounen positiv ze bleiwen an deementspriechend zitt een dat un u wat een denkt.

Merci Nicole fir déi gutt Erfarung.”

Monica M.

“If you’re considering DreamBirth® or it’s got your curiosity – I recommend trying it out! At week 25 of my twin pregnancy I was admitted to the hospital for the remainder of the pregnancy due to high risks and possible complications. This is where Nicole and DreamBirth® came into my life. We did small exercises together which definitely eased my mind. I had never heard of it until this moment. Sometimes when it was hard to remain positive, it was nice to remember some of my favourite exercises whilst sitting in my hospital room – when I looked at the sun shining in the mornings and tried to embrace all the golden light and when I would try to imagine the babies and what they were doing inside. Now, six months down the line, with healthy twins in hand, I am really happy for all the support I was given through the rough time. In my opinion a lot of a pregnancy is to do with the mother’s feelings, apprehensions and mental state. DreamBirth® can definitely help calm the nerves and give you something to think about when you have anxiety. In fact, even now when I’m at home and one of my babies is feeling sick these exercises sometimes pop into my head – I lift the baby up into the sky so that her fingertips can reach up and imagine all the sickness to go away! Thank you Nicole for everything, it means the world to me to have had your support through my pregnancy!”

Fatema J.

baby lying on blue textile
baby in pink shirt lying on white textile

“I discovered the DreamBirth® technique thanks to Mrs Schuller who has kindly proposed this technique and to whom I am profoundly grateful for her professionalism, warmth and reassurance. The exercises have helped my baby turn into the right birthing position (from breech), have helped me relax and fully embrace this experience and also improve my relationship with my partner. I strongly encourage future moms to try this therapy as it eases pregnancy, delivery and also interpersonal relationships.

Thank you Mrs. Schuller for being like my pregnancy guardian angel!”

Maria S.

“Meng Erfarung mat DreamBirth®:

D’Preparatioun mat DreamBirth® op déi bevirstoend Gebuert war eng grouss Beräicherung. Dës Technik huet et mir erlaabt mech mat mengem Puppelchen am Bauch ze connectéieren a mech mental op seng Gebuert virzebereeden.

Et ass en wonnerbaren Outil dee mir erméiglecht huet meng eventuell Ängschten ze konfrontéieren an ze léisen an esou ënnerlech méi roueg an ausgeglach ze ginn.

D’Visualiséierunge ware ganz villsäiteg an d’Madamm Schuller huet dës mat vill Empathie an engem oppenen Ouer geziilt op meng Besoinen agesat. Den Austausch mat der Madamm Schuller no enger Visualisatioun huet déi positiv Erfarung verankert.

De Fait dass déi verschidde Visualisatioune relativ kuerz an zilféierend sinn huet et mir erméiglecht se och ausserhalb vun de Seancen a mengem Alldag anzesetzen. Den DreamBirth® ass complementaire zu eventuell aner Meditatiounen an ech kann dës Virbereedung fir d’Gebuert all deene recommandéieren déi sech mental op hir bevirstoend Gebuert wëlle preparéieren.”

Sandra N.

baby in white knit cloth lying on bed